Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Inner Art of Karate

Tokitsu, Kenji. "The Inner Art of Karate: Cultivating the Budo Spirit in Your Practice." Shambhala. Boston & London. 2012.

Review: This book is an outstanding choice to provide a different perspective toward the practice of karate. It also speaks to the implementation of budo from Japan into the Okinawan art of Karate. This one is an excellent addition to any karate or martial art library.

Tokitsu Sensei has far exceeded my expectations upon finding this fine book and taken the explanations often assumed by western practitioners and placed them directly within our grasp for us to assimilate and apply in karate goshin-do (budo oriented practice).

He extends meaning in terms and their implementations and applications in an easy westernized format that can and will change how martial artists perceive karate and other budo oriented martial arts. He even uses the sport/combat sport aspects to make his point valid and obvious to all those practitioners as well. 

This book stands tall among such books as the Book of Martial Power and it should be read immediately - get your copy today, click the title above in the Bibliography.

High recommendations to all karate practitioners!


  1. If you liked it we got some of his articles published in our site:


    1. Hi, Sajite: Your link to the site does not work.

    2. ooppps -->

      Thanks for the warning :)

  2. Thanks for sharing abut The Inner Art of Karate.
    Nice Blog!
    The term Martial Arts Inner West has become heavily associated with the fighting arts of eastern Asia.
