Fawcett, Scott K., "Isshin-ryu Karate: The Dragon Man and his One Heart Way," Independently Published, September 2024
Isshin-ryu Karate is a must read for all practitioners of the martial disciplines, and especially those who actually train, practice, and live the "one heart way."
Over these past fofty plus years I have come across many publications on the martial disciplines as they fit within the Isshin-ryu world of Okinawan Karate and found only one who actually captured Tatsuo-san's essence of the way, both philosophical and practical, and Fawcett Sensei has achieved great success.
His multiple visits to the island of karate along with his close association to a well-known and respected first generation student of the creator of Isshin-ryu has placed this works at tyhe top of a must-have publication. His book in both hard (Go) and soft (Ju) cover is available for a steal of a low price.
Domo Arigato Fawcett Sensei! Well done!